Friday, July 09, 2010

My Ministry

So as I mentioned in my last post I've really been wanting to start a support/bible study group for ladies who suffer from infertility.  I looked at bookstores, online, asked around etc...and there was nothing.  I was really getting frustrated and wondering what I was going to do because this was really something I felt like I needed to be doing.  So I cam across this website Sarahs-Laughter.  This website is specifically for people that are dealing with infertility or loss of a child.  I was looking around on this website and it mentioned a bible study.  Well come to find out this lady had realized that there was nothing out there so she just wrote one on her own, and it has just recently been published.  So I ordered this and i came in Thursday before last, right as we were leaving for vacation.  I was really excited because with having a 12 hour drive ahead of us that would give me time to look through it and do some planning.  IT'S AMAZING!!!!!!!   Reading over the different sessions is like walking through my life and our struggle to have a child for the past 6 years.  Everything that she talks about I've been there, thought, or experienced.  It just put biblical basis to everything. 
So I am really excited to get started with this and after talking with some of the ladies that I have asked to jon me in this group, we have decided that we are going to do this group on Thursday evenings starting the 2nd week in August.  I also had a lady from the Lubbock AJ speak with me the other day because she heard about what I was doing and would like to put a piece in the Religion section of the paper.  I didn't share many details of my person experience but rather just voiced my concern about the fact that this doesn't seem to be a talked about subject in church and that there doesn't seem to be that much support for people dealing with it.  I mentioned that most churches have classes/bible studies that deal with marriage, death, having a baby, and divorce but no one wants to talke about it when someone is having problems getting pregnant.  Anyways, so I'm really excited about that as well because I think it will get the word out and maybe give other ladies support.  So if you guys (all 2 or 3 of you that read this) know of anyone that you think would benefit from this or might be interested in attending please pass on the information or give them my information.  Also, please keep me in your prayers as I step WAY outside of my comfort zone to lead this, as well as the whole group. 

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