Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm Praying for You....

So recently a good friend asked a question on Facebook; when you tell people, "You're in my prayers," or "I'm praying for you," do you?
I would like to say that everytime that I say that, that I make sure that the person or situation is in my prayers, and I do stop at the moment and say a quick prayer for them, but is it not equally important to continue to pray? Obviously if it's important enough for them to ask for your prayers or for you to mention that you will or are praying for them shouldn't it be a continuous thing?  I have not been as good as I should be about following through with saying that I am praying for someone or something, and that is something that I really feel that I need to work on.  I have seen first hand the power of prayer, and how amazing it is so I want to share that experience with others. 
Something that I also enjoy is those people that say that they are going to pray for me and then 6-12 months down the line I get these e-mails or cards saying that this person "just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and continue to pray for you".  That makes my day and usually my week, it's nice every once in a while to get those reminders that there are those true friends who continue to lift you up in prayer no matter what the situation. 

Another thing that has been on my mind lately is how much of a true friend that I hope that I am to people. I don't ever want to be that person that says one thing to your face to be "a good friend" and then goes around saying things to others that I would never say to you personally.  I know that I have been blessed with AMAZING family and friends and I know that they have my back no matter what, but I see those people who are "friends" but complain about you or criticize you when your not around.  I want to be an example, and I have seen way too often the effects of someone saying something hateful to someone else about a "friend".  I know that we all have or will do this at some point, but I think there's a point in your life where you should be an example to those around you.

So, all of this to say that I have taken a good long look at myself and who I used to be and don't want to be that person or that "friend" anymore.  I'm going to spend a lot more time getting to know someone before I make rash decisions about them as a person or their situation, and pray a lot more for people when I say that I will.  I hope to hold myself to a higher standard and to be an example to the youth that I teach or the children that are around me.


Stephanie said...

Very good thoughts to remind us all about! Thank you!!!!!

Staci said...

You are a great friend to all of those around you! You made a really good point in your post. It is so easy to say we are praying but to follow through with it more than once is hard. It reminds me to not just pray that one time, but continuously. Great post!

Shiloh said...

Loved the post. I made a decision awhile ago not to say that I was praying if I wasn't going to. It may mean that I pray once right then or pray consistently. It's a good thing to be reminded of though. Thanks! Miss you!!!