I am pregnant and this is a sappy blog post!!
This is my best friend and the man of my dreams!!!!
He makes me laugh and smile even when I don't feel like it, and I can be as crazy and stupid as I want around him and he loves me regardless. I had someone ask me the other day how we stay friends aside from being husband and wife, and I honestly didn't know how to answer that because I don't feel like I have to work at being friends with him, he's just my best friend!! But the answer I gave was that we make time for each other, we make sure that we set aside time that it's just us and no one else; we laugh with (and at) each other A LOT! I did tell this person that the one thing that probably changed our relationship and made us closer was moving away. When we moved to Colorado we didn't know anyone, but it was by far the best thing for us and for our relationship. We made some AMAZING friends while we lived there, and honestly miss living there, but for a while it was just us and that was a good thing because we grew a lot as a couple. Now, after 8 long years we are going to be bringing a child into the mix. Poor kid is going to be embarrassed by his parents a lot!! I saw something the other day that I loved and it said "I never knew how much I loved your father until I saw how much he loved you". Jeff has been the most amazing husband through this whole thing....the ups and downs of trying to get pregnant and it not working, miscarriage, and finally getting pregnant. I know I have told some of you how frustrating it can be sometimes because he wants to do everything for me and is very cautious of everything I do...this only frustrates me because I am such an independent person. But honestly I couldn't ask for a more loving and affectionate husband through all of this. I absolutely love the fact that every night Jeff prays for us as a family and for Liam as he's growing; he talks to Liam every night before we go to bed and every morning before he goes to work and tells Liam how much he loves him and is so excited for him to be here so we can see him and hold him; he will put his ear to my belly and listen...most of the time Liam kicks and Jeff will get kicked in the face, but Jeff talks to him like he's right here out in the world with us. I LOVE IT!!!!
So I know that this has been sappy and I'm ok with that. I tell Jeff I love him a lot and I have no doubt that he knows that I love him, this is just one way that I wanted to share with you all how blessed I am to have such a loving and caring spouse.
and apparently he is not going to be a "little" guy because they said he is already tipping the charts with where he should be weight wise and he has really long legs.....but his mommy has long legs and was a 10lb baby so I'm not sure what I was expecting :) I'M SO READY FOR HIM TO BE HERE!!!!!!
This is totally NOT sappy, but beautiful and perfect. :-) I never anticipated that seeing my husband become a father would make me fall in love with him even more, but it did. And as you see that father-son bond continue to grow, your love will grow and grow, too. So excited for you guys!
Iam soo glad my brother has someone like you. You are an amazing person and I am very excited for the both of you!
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