Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Worth It!

So tonight I was watching a show and there were some ladies that were talking about being abused by their spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend etc.. For SO many years I dealt with being in a relationship where I wasn't appreciated and where I was made to feel that I wasn't worth anything.   I was being physically and mentally abused.   I know from experience that if you are in that type of a relationship that you don't believe when someone tells you that you are worth something.  I cannot express to anyone how it feels to have someone tell you all the time that you are not worth anything!   Because you believe that you love that person and you believe them when they say those things.   If you are a guy and reading this I can't relate to your situation.  But ladies.....don't ever let ANYONE tell you that you are worthless and don't let them talk down to you.  Be who you are and own it!   We have 4-5 consistent young ladies that are a part of our student group at Church.   I hope that they all read this and I want them to know that they are all very beautiful young ladies and are going to grow up to be amazing women who do amazing things   I feel really blessed that I get to be a part of their lives and watch them as they mature and grow not only as ladies but as children of God and that I love each and every one of them.   To the parents of these young ladies- You should be SO proud of them.   I know at times they frustrate you or have an attitude or talk back, but that's the way teenagers are.  They are in that stage where they want to do what's cool or be popular.....I was there when I was a teenager too!  
This may sound like a bunch of ramblings but I've been big ball of emotions lately and this topic is something that keeps being brought up in one way or another. 

1 comment:

Pam said...

Very well said.